February 29, 2012

2012 Goals: 2 months down, 10 to go!

For those of you just catching up now, here are my 2012 goals broken up into 8 categories of the 24 things I am going to (HAVE!) done in 2012.

In February, I:

  • Went to Saturday morning yoga on two more occasions with future plans to continue this.
  • Discussed with Kelsi her options for an awesome plan B (AKA suggested that she move to a variety of locations, all of which I happen to want to visit!)
  • Only went on two coffee dates! Hooray saving money!
  • Updated my Professional Development Plan that I need to complete in order to keep my Wisconsin teacher licensure updated. While I do not have any plans to teach in the state of Wisconsin right this moment, I would like to keep up with the things I need to do to renew the license in two years in case I need a plan b.
  • Updated my resume in preparation for applying for jobs soon! I also completed all the paperwork jumped through all the hoops set up by the Minnesota Department of Education in order to obtain my licensure in the state of Minnesota. 
  • Tried Murphy's Red (yes, weird that I have never had it before) & Bogota Beer Company's Zipaquirá Abadía (LOVED this one - fruity, spicy, unfiltered & based on a Belgian recipe)
  • Revisited my monthly goals!   

In March:

  • There is one Saturday when both my yoga buddies have to be at school for the Destination Imagination tournament - what better day to take myself on a solo date/force myself to go to yoga even without someone to go with.
  • I will figure out what I can do with some of my savings to actually invest it in things and not just have it sit in my account. Because apparently, this is what adults do. Even though it terrifies me in an irrational way since really, I am good with numbers. I know it's weird. 
  • Summer plans!!! There is absolutely nothing I love more than planning to go back home for a Minnesota summer and this one promises to be absolutely fantastic!! Already on the calendar: a family vacation to Colorado (AKA my birthplace and home of mountains/happiness), Brothers in the Sun (Kenny Chesney & Tim McGraw) stadium concert at Target Field with the boy & the brother, a bachelorette party/college friends reunion weekend in La Crosse, and a Pedal Pub for my quarter century birthday
Stick around, friends - 2012 is already shaping up to be quite the fabulous year... and there is so much yet to come! 


kelsi said...

Thank you for your help with plan B! You are a terrific roommate and friend. I would be lost in Colombia without you. Literally. I also fully support this solo yoga date and think your pedal pub quarter century birthday is a fabulous idea!

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

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