Again, haven't had a lot to update on this week in terms of big ideas, but here are the recent happenings in Cali.
- Kelsi is officially addicted to Gossip Girl, thanks to me. I would imagine this obsession will take up a large part of our weekends as we have an entire season to watch before season 4 starts at the end of September. (I have seen it but plan to re-watch with her)
- Best thing I read this week >>> this article about people's comments on a life of travel vs. not a life of travel. Basically it finishes with this quote: My happiness is different from your happiness. More importantly: it’s not a threat to your happiness. LOVE.
- After Direct TV chose not to play the Twins vs. Angels game on Sunday Night Baseball when it was the only game at that time and I pay for three MLB channels, I was somewhat irritated. However, this week they showed THREE of the Twins vs. Rangers games. LOVE even if we did go 1-3 in the series.
- I have taken to listening to the Baseball Today podcast with Seth Everett and Eric Karabell from ESPN every morning on my way to work. My baseball knowledge is at an all time high and I usually arrive to work in a pleasantly amused mood because of how much the two hosts banter back and forth about ridiculous things like umpire acountability and would Manny Ramirez fit in with the Chicago White Sox.
- BLOG UPDATE!!! 80 minutes of non-school-related use of my prep time later and I think my blog has a cleaner, fresher look so come check it out if you are reading this in email version or in a reader. :)
- Happy Birthday to Jennifer Ann - I hope your 22nd year is just as fabulous as your 21st!
- I have TWO little brothers in college now! Weird! My parents dropped Michael off in Lincoln, Nebraska last week and he is officially a college boy. This leaves in his senior year at University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse and Danny the lone ranger holding down the fort at home. Living at home with only your parents at age 16ish after a life with three older siblings has got to be weird. Props to him for handling it. :)
That's all for now - this weekend I will work on being more coherent and formative in my blog postings. Until then...happy Friday!
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