April 6, 2010

Island of Monkeys

Amazon Trip Update #3
Our last stop in Leticia before our time in the jungle came to an end was at Monkey Island (Isla de los Micos). A few friends had visited the island before and loved it, so we decided to check it out. I was a bit nervous going into the trip because animals and I don't really get along. Or more accurately...I am terrified of animals and they sense my fear, so they try to befriend me, which creeps me out further.
So on Friday we headed out to Monkey Island on a day trip run by the Decameron, an all inclusive resort, in Leticia. By the time we got to the island we realized we were with a bunch of people who couldn't hack it in the jungle so they did catered day trips. Needless to say, we did not make many friends on the trip. When they started to lead us on a walk around the island we were all hot, sweaty, sick of mosquitos, and just in general struggling with life. We prevailed however, and did see some cool looking monkeys and take some sweet shots feeding them. And yes, I took the pictures so as not to have too close of involvement with the monkeys.
Toucan living with the monkeys on the island. Gorgeous.
Hana getting in there to feed the monkeys! Monkeys actually eat bananas...who knew?
Kelsi - loving the monkeys :)
Eating out of the palm of her hand!
After monkey viewing we had some lunch, which was shockingly delicious and then headed back to Leticia. Overall, I am glad we went to Monkey Island because I enjoyed seeing more of the Amazon wildlife, but the catered Decameron trip? Not really worth the pesos. We were way too jungled out to be able to deal with it. :)
Well, that's it. The end of my jungle related posts and pictures. Thanks for reading and following along - everyone's comments are so great to hear!!


Iva Messy said...

such a fun post!! looks like you are having an amazing time!!

Bethany said...

That is so, so cool! Monkeys are some of my favorite animals so I'm a little jealous. Hehe!

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